
Add and remove virtual network interface cards for Hyper-v virtual machine

Same as in a physical machine, a virtual machine can have multiple network interface adapters, providing connections to different networks or for carrying different types of traffic. When you create a new virtual machine, the default includes one virtual network adapter.

Open Hyper-v Manager, select Hyper-v Server. Then right-click a virtual machine you want add virtual network interface card, and select setting.

Select Network Adapter On the Add Hardware page, and click Add.

On the Network Adapter page,  in the Virtual Switch drop-down list, select the switch to which you want to connect the network adapter.
If your network uses VLANs, you can select Enable Virtual LAN Identification check box and type a VLAN identifier.
Then click OK.

You can use Remove in the Network Adapter page to delete Network Adapter.

You can use Add-VMNetworkAdapter cmdlet on Windows PowerShell to create a virtual network adapter.
VMNane: Virtual Machine name
SwitchName: The name of the virtual switch to connect to the network adapter.
Name: Network adapter name

You can use Remove-VMNetworkAdapter cmdlet on Windows PowerShell to remove a virtual network adapter.

Note: Generation 1 virtual machine add or remove virtual network adapter need shut down virtual machine.

